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Image by Marcin Jozwiak

Areas of value added


Agency and Distribution


Agency and distribution are among the most common arrangements

Agency and distribution are among the most common arrangements, but although the two models share no-few similarities, they are profoundly different from one another in key points. People tend to rely on their experience and contract versions which have previously served them well in many deals and as a consequence misunderstandings and disputes arise, and legal and business rights are violated and lost.


The problems are even worse in international agency and distribution agreements, which few understand their terminology and complexities. Benefits and assets (including IP rights) may be lost and markets with great business potential, compromised.

Adv. Erez Modai has gained extensive experience with agency and distribution contracts and other models of cooperation: In the aerospace industry, Adv. Modai was responsible for the legal aspects of contracts with agents and distributors and was involved in huge Teaming contracts. As legal manager at Oracle, Erez Modai handled countless agency and distribution contracts in the software and IT fields.

Adv. Modai's firm has advised in countless agency and distribution deals, both with Israeli agents and distributors of foreign products, and with agents and distributors abroad. The Israel Export Institute refers its members to Adv. Modai concerning agency and distribution contracts.

Erez Modai lectures on agency, distribution and franchising in about 90 courses at the Business College of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, as well as in workshops and seminars at the Export Institute.



"As for cultural gaps, an educated advocate is conscious of turning them into a burden as an asset: “When one understands the differences between cultures, opportunities open up to turn difference into an asset in negotiation. If we understand the important values in a particular culture - for example accuracy, time, security and respect - we can trade them just like any other value. Thus, one culture member will be willing to pay more in a 'quick deal' that will allow him the honor of cutting the film, while another culture member will be willing to pay more for a long-term deal that will make him remembered even after he retires and possibly die. One will strive to 'finish quickly with the payment' and another will agree to high interest rates because 'followed by the flood' ".

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